Priority Educational Services and 4 Areas

1.- Information

The objective of this axis is to promote, guide and disseminate objectively, Timely and permanent results and progress of PROBEMJAL projects and actions in the entity and the benefits that are provided to the binational migrant population by various means, that is, in person, via telephone or email. In liaison with the States of the Mexican PROBEM Group, activities are carried out on a permanent basis to enable us to achieve the main objective of this Thematic Axis, which is to make known in an objective and timely manner, the development and results of educational research and projects; In particular, work is being done to promote the use of the Binational Migrant Student Transfer Document to guarantee timely and expeditious access to basic education schools in both Mexico and the United States. In this area, the most common activities are: design, editing, printing, distribution graphic, digital, informative and promotional materials of the services offered in the Binational Program of Migrant Education Mexico-United States in the State of Jalisco inside and outside the country; in addition to the dissemination on the expedition, use and application of the Binational Student Transfer document, through training actions and direct information to the educational structure or to requesting users.

2.- Academic support

Its purpose is to design and disseminate teaching materials for the care of migrant children and young people based on the specific educational characteristics of this population, where the Jalisco teachers of Basic Education and other places of the country and the American Union, will find a collection of successful pedagogical-cultural materials, developed by the teachers of Jalisco, as a product of their work experience with binational students and families from Mexico and the American Union; materials they can use to adapt their classes. It is a very valuable digital collection since it represents a data bank, with successful didactic planning, developed and implemented by the Jaliscian teachers who have lived the experience of working as binational teachers.

3.- Evaluation and research

It has the purpose of systematically analyzing the actions of PROBEMJAL, to evaluate and guarantee its functionality and educational impact. Periodically review the progress, successes, difficulties and areas of opportunity of the actions of PROBEMJAL and thereby redirect efforts to achieve the goals and objectives set annually. On the other hand, qualitative and quantitative information is collected to assess the impact that the work is having in terms of meeting the proposed goals in all the thematic axes that give life to the PROBEMJAL. Evaluate projects in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the target groups of this program, with the intention of providing sustainability to improve its functioning. Reports of the First Forum on Binational and Transnational Education and Migration in Basic and Higher Secondary Education.

4.- Teacher Exchange Program Mexico-USA

The Secretary of Education of the State of Jalisco, through the Undersecretary of Basic Education in the entity, in coordination with the Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, participates since 1996 in the framework of the Binational Migrant Education Program (PROBEM), in the “Mexico-United States Teacher Exchange Program”, International Cooperation initiative that helps to improve the educational care offered to bi-national migrant students in both countries, through teaching work and the exchange of social, cultural and administrative academic experiences. The Mexico-United States Teacher Exchange Program in the State of Jalisco has the following objectives: o contribute to the strengthening of the knowledge of history, culture, values and national traditions among students of Mexican origin who live in the United States, with the intention of strengthening their national identity; thus motivating them to improve their education. To foster permanent communication between teachers of the American Union in order to share experiences in the field of education, enabling better use to be made in the teaching process – learning, at the levels of Basic Education, Upper Secondary and Adult Education. To contribute through teacher exchanges to the improvement of the educational services offered to the school population of Mexican origin in both countries. In a first stage, Jalisco educators of the levels and modalities of Basic and Higher Education, attend, for a period of four to eight weeks, American schools that cater to children of Mexican origin, carry out various activities in support of the teaching-learning process in the areas of strengthening the English language, Spanish, science, mathematics, arts and cultural identity. In reciprocity, American teachers and administrators visit schools and communities of our entity in order to know the Mexican Educational System, share pedagogical experiences and coexist with authorities, managers, teachers, students, parents and members of Jalisco society.

What is the Teacher Exchange Program Mexico – United States

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